Friday, June 24, 2011

Wing Women > Wing Men

Aloha from the exotic shores of Topsail Island. I'm here for a few days with my friend Jessie, who it just so happens has tolerated me for 12 years. Even I have to admit that's an impressive feat. So anyway, on the way down I was drawing a picture of a girl with wings watching a city in complete ruin. 
Jess looked over at the picture and said, "Haha, it's a wing girl!"
So now I'm working on a book. With a legit plot. Usually (like most things I start) I run out of momentum and have no plan for an ending, so I have about 20 half-finished books occupying my hard drive. No more! I wrote out a plan. 
You know wing men? Über popular amongst various timid men. So I can say from personal experience that when you see 2 guys sizing you up from across the room, it's freaky. (I'm just kidding, I've never had that happen). So what if they thought to be smart? What if, guys brought a wing girl? 
Think about it: girls know how other girls think. We know how to act in a way that doesn't freak others out. On the other hand, you have the male species. They have NO clue what's going on in a girl's head, so doesn't that make absolutely no sense to bring along 2 heads that are so not better than one? 
That's the idea behind the book. 
What if guys could hire a third party, that's a girl? Wow, I'm using a lot of what ifs. 
Imagine if a guy could call in a wing girl as easy as a pizza. It's simple enough for males to comprehend, and it makes so much more sense than two big testosterone fueled goons. 
Working on the first chapter currently, I'll keep you posted. 
Whatta ya think?

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