Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Infuriated Fowls

I feel as if this particular subject needn't warrant a description; however, just in case, I shall e'ssplain. For those of you who don't know, Angry Birds is an app for iPhones/iPods. The goal of the game is to try to aim your stash of birds (pre-loaded for each level of the game), by means of a slingshot at little green pigs which may or may not be obstructed by certain obstacles. 
Now that that's out of the way, I think I should admit my secret addiction to said app as of yesterday afternoon. In the midst of playing, I realized a lot of things I was thinking to myself were pretty parallel to life lessons. 
#1. You never know what life will give you, but somehow you have to figure out a way to turn lemonade into lemons, or however that saying goes. Each level in Angry Birds has new and unexpected surprises. For example, maybe you'll only have two birds to bombard a whole army of green pigs. You never know how many hogs there will be for you to destroy, or how difficult it will be to reach them with your limited supply of feathered friends. 
#2. The farther you go, the more you gain. Yes sometimes the app and life in general are ridiculously difficult, but we accomplish and  we earn things, whether it be a new skill, or a new bird that can explode when you toss it at pigs. In the end, things are worth it, no matter how hard they may be to begin with. 
#3. Never never give up. There's blockings in life, as well as  in Angry Birds. People we don't get along with, a flat tire, or a whole ton of computerized stones you have to break through to vanquish a couple of pigs. Either way, we learn to cope with such things. We learn to deal with that person we don't particularly enjoy spending time with, we learn to change a tire, or how to hit just one stone out of the way to topple over a seemingly impossible 2-D tower. And when we learn how to do these things, it's a pretty great feeling and sense of accomplishment. 
So that's life and angry birds. In a nutshell. 

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