Saturday, June 11, 2011

Truth or Dare with a Dash of Salt

Ever wanted to know what it would be like to tell the truth all day, go from dawn to dusk without using the letter 's'? Ever had a question you're dying to ask me, whether it be about fact or opinion?
If you answered yes, then now is your chance! Mainly I'm just too lazy to think of new stuff to post this coming week-- but besides that, I want to hear what you want to read. Just comment here with something you want to ask (a truth) or something for me to try out for a whole day this coming week (dare). I'll write it up and/or document it and tell you about the dare, or give my total and complete truth on a subject. I'll pick my top 5 and that will be my posts for the coming week, Monday- Friday.
Ready, set, truth or dare.

1 comment:

  1. go a whole day, taking a picture of whatever is directly in front of you every 15 minutes.
